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Patently Absurd?

This puzzle challenges you to explore patents. All of these, with one exception, for succesful inventions, examples of things we find in everyday life. See if you can guess what they are.

These patents are all, with one exception, for succesful inventions, examples of things we find in everyday life. See if you can guess what they are.

This is a…

  1. alarm system
  2. insect control device
  3. liquid crystal display
  4. magnetic polarizer

This is a…

  1. clamp for a desk lamp
  2. collapsible basketball hoop
  3. self guided drilling mechanism
  4. adjustable drainage valve

This is a…

  1. computer mouse
  2. bi-directional louspeaker
  3. mini television
  4. ceramic heater

This is a…

  1. school alarm bell
  2. seat belt mechanism
  3. automated fire alarm
  4. electric light timer

This is a…

  1. early vacuum cleaner
  2. protoype flowbie
  3. carpet steamer
  4. early weed-wacker

This is a…

  1. hamburger maker
  2. waffle iron
  3. fly swatter
  4. hole punch
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