Lincoln Papers
Library of Congress, American Memory Project
This collaboration with Knox College Lincoln Studies Center offers
approximately 54,000 digital images and 3,500 annotated transcriptions
of documents relating to President Abraham Lincolns life
and career, including incoming and outgoing correspondence. This
collection was originally gathered by Lincolns son, Robert
Todd Lincoln.
The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship
Library of Congress, American Memory Project
More than 240 items, including 20 letters and diaries presented
as digital reproductions and transcribed excerpts, augment a concise
narrative of African-American history. The site explores black
Americas quest for political, social, and economic equality
from the early national period through the twentieth century.
The exhibit is organized into nine chronological periods and documents
contributions of African Americans of all classes, including political
leaders, artists, writers, and soldiers.
Do History
Film Study Center at Harvard University
This site explores the remarkable eighteenth-century diary of
midwife Martha Ballard. The site offers two versions of the 1400-page
diary, facsimile and transcribed full-text; the latter is searchable
by keyword and date. It also examines how historian Laurel Thatcher
Ulrich pieced together the diary to write the book A Midwifes
Tale. Two Doing History exercises allow visitors
to analyze Ballards notes about two controversies.
First-Person Narratives of the American South
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Libraries
Features 100 texts relating to the culture of the American south
in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Focusing
on the voices of women, African Americans, laborers, and Native
Americans, the site offers a variety of documents, including personal
accounts, letters, and diaries. The materials are searchable by
keyword and arranged into author, title, and document-type indexes.
Free Speech Movement: Student Protest, U.C. Berkeley, 1964-65
University of California, Berkeley, Bancroft Library
The Bancroft Library has put its entire archive of material on
the Berkeley Free Speech Movement (FSM) online. Printed material
includes 55 letters to and from FSM activists, as well as 400
letters from FSM activists to Judge Rupert Crittenden, who presided
over their trials.
Prairie Settlement: Nebraska Photographs and Family Letters
Library of Congress, American Memory Project
This collaboration integrates two Nebraska State Historical Society
collections that illustrate the story of settlement on the Great
Plains from 1862 to 1912. The approximately 3,000 pages of family
letters describe the trials of establishing a homestead in Nebraska
and everyday life on the Great Plains as they follow the Uriah
Oblinger familys sojourns in Indiana, Nebraska, Minnesota,
Kansas, and Missouri. They discuss such topics as land, work,
neighbors, crops, religious meetings, problems with grasshoppers,
financial troubles, and Nebraskas Easter Blizzard of 1873.
A 1000-word essay describes the letter collection and the lives
of the principal correspondents and offers 12 images of family
members and documents. Biographical notes of about 30-50 words
are also available for more than 80 of the people who corresponded
with the Oblingers or who were mentioned in the letters.
Surveyors of the West: William Henry Jackson and Robert Brewster
New York Public Library Digital Collections
This site presents the journals of two men who surveyed the western
states in the second half of the nineteenth century. William Henry
Jackson was a photographer, artist, and writer who traveled along
the route of the Union Pacific Railway in 1869. Jackson's diary
describes how he took and developed photographs during the expedition.
Robert Brewster Stanton was a civil engineer who surveyed canyons
in Colorado for the Colorado Canyon and Pacific Railroad Company
between 1889 and 1890. Four volumes of his typed field notes are
available as images.
Thomas Jefferson Papers
Library of Congress, American Memory Project
Digitized images of approximately 27,000 documents in the Library
of Congress, the largest collection of original Jefferson documents
in the world. Includes correspondence, commonplace books, financial
account books, and manuscript volumesapproximately 83,000
images. It is organized chronologically and is searchable by keyword.
The documents are only presented as page images.
Valley of the Shadow
Edward L. Ayers, University of Virginia
This searchable archive of thousands of pages relating to two
communities Staunton, Virginia, and Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
before, during, and after the Civil War includes more than
600 letters and diaries. These are divided into three separate
time categories: Eve of War (http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/vshadow2/letters.html);
War Years (http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/vshadow2/cwletters.html);
and Aftermath (http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/vshadow2/cwletters3.html).
Womens Studies Manuscript Diaries
Schoenberg Center, University of Pennsylvania Library
This site contains digital images of six manuscript diaries written
from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries, primarily
from the northeastern U.S.