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History 1BB3: America and the World: The Twentieth Century

Dr. Stephen M. Streeter

McMaster University, Winter 2002


Introduction: Themes and Definitions

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I. Definitions

imperialism - "the imposition of control by a powerful nation over other peoples and regions to the point that they lose their freedom to determine their own lives." [Thomas G. Paterson and Stephen G. Rabe, Imperial Surge (Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1992), p.xvi]

1. formal imperialism:

a. colonialism (Monroe Doctrine)
b. annexation
c. military occupation

2. informal imperialism:

a. economic penetration
b. political subversion
c. threat of intervention

hegemony - the preponderance of military and economic military power to coerce others by threats or persuasion

empire - "a relationship, formal or informal, in which one state controls the effective political sovereignty of another political society. It can be achieved by force, by political collaboration, by economic, social, or cultural dependence." [Michael W. Doyle, Empires (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1986), p. 45]

American imperialism

II. Origins of the U.S. Empire

1. glut thesis

Open Door Policy (1899)

a. America's domestic well being requires exports.

b. Foreign trade will suffer interruption unless the United States intervenes abroad to implant American principles and keep foreign markets open.

c. The closing of any area to American products, citizens, or ideas threatens the very survival of the United States itself.

2. raw materials

3. Manifest Destiny

4. race for empire

5. elite consensus

6. U.S. Navy

III. Generalizations about the U.S. Empire

1. goal has been the spread of markets, investments, ideas, and religion, not acquistion of land

2. global hegemony achieved by 1945

3. propaganda has helped justify the creation and maintenance of the American empire

4. American population has played a mixed role in the promotion of empire

5. world has had mixed reaction to the expansion of the American empire

6. the overseas empire has shaped domestic developments

Further Reading

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