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History 1BB3: America and the World: The Twentieth Century

Dr. Stephen M. Streeter

McMaster University, Winter 2002


Big Stick Diplomacy in Nicaragua

slides (html)
slides (pdf)

I. The Setting

Central American Federation
map of Nicaragua
Nicaraguan timeline

II. U.S. Intervention in Nicaragua

Cornelius Vanderbilt
William Walker

José Santos Zelaya (1893-1909)
Adolfo Díaz (1911-16, 1926-29)

III. The U.S. Marine Occupation and Sandino's Resistance

Henry L. Stimson
José María Moncada
Peace of Tipitapa (1927)
Augusto César Sandino (1895-1934)

Anastasio Somoza García (1936-1956) [Tacho]

Further Reading on Sandino

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