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Huey Long, a senator and former governor of Louisiana, while initially a supporter of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, became one of the most important critics of the New Deal during the Great Depression. To curb the power of the rich, Long proposed the “Share Our Wealth Plan” that would redistribute wealth from large fortunes to the needy and enable the government to provide every family with “enough for a home, an automobile, a radio, and the ordinary conveniences” plus a guaranteed annual income. In his 1935 book My First Days in the White House, Long described his fantasy presidency, in which he instituted a range of social and fiscal reforms, aided by a cooperative committee of bankers and industrialists. This illustration of Long taking the presidential oath of office appeared in My First Days in the White House.

Source: Cleanthe, Huey P. Long, My First Days in the White House (1935)—American Social History Project.