The Web has opened up myriad possibilities for the historical
study of advertising. Comprehensive collections of advertisements draw
together resources that would take a single researcher an eternity to
compile. Specialized Web collectionsranging from notices for escaped
slaves to celebrations of recent advertising campaignssupplement
the general sites. Old advertisements formerly available only in research
libraries (and not always there, since many libraries cut out advertising
sections or front and rear covers before binding popular magazines) or
(haphazardly) in coffee table books are now accessible to
anyone with an Internet connection.
But this commercial cornucopia has limitations. Most collections
of advertisements concentrate on print ads, and in particular those in
national magazines. Access to television advertising (certainly the dominant
medium since the 1950s) is more scarce; most sites feature current commercials,
not older ones. Another technical problem results from the digitizing
process and the graphic formats used. Sometimes, ad details dont
appear or are difficult to discern. This may serve the purpose of the
website perfectly well, but it hinders scholarly research.
Combining these problems with the difficulty of contextualizing
advertisements appearing outside their original media framework, the challenges
of using the Web for advertising history should not be underestimated.
Yet the Webs resources are vast and ever-growing. Combined with
research in more traditional sources, studying advertising history on
the Web should be a stimulating and fruitful experience. This list of
sites is intended as a brief overview, providing links to some of the
largest collections of advertisements of various types, as well as a glimpse
at the diversity of materials available online. Many other collections
can be found in History
Matters (from the full search page, check advertising
under Primary Sources Online).
Ad*Access, Digital Scriptorium, Duke University
This well-developed, easily navigated site presents images and information
for more than 7,000 advertisements printed primarily in the United States
from 1911 to 1955. Material is drawn from the J. Walter Thompson Company
Competitive Advertisements Collection of the John W. Hartman Center for
Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History at Duke University. The advertisements
are divided into five main subjects areas: Radio; Television; Transportation;
Beauty and Hygiene; and World War II. Ads are searchable by keyword, type
of illustration, and special features. About Ad Access provides
an overview of advertising history, as well as a list of advertising repositories
in the U.S.
Adflip is a privately financed archive of more than 6,000 print advertisements
published from 1940 to the present. Products advertised, including everything
from dog food to DeSotos, are divided into 17 search categories, from
automotive to travel, and eight themed categories such as comic books
and obsolete products. The site may be searched by year, product type,
and brand name. Many ads may be sent as electronic postcards for free.
For each ad, the site tells when and where it appeared. This collection
includes advertisements from 65 magazines and comic books, from Archie
to Wired. Downloads may be slow.
All Politics Ad Archive, CNN Online
A video collection of 11 television presidential campaign advertisements
from 1952 to 1988. Includes three from the 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower-Adlai
Stevenson election and three from the 1988 battle between George H. W.
Bush and Michael Dukakis, including the infamous Willie Horton
ad. Also offers such memorable classics as the Daisy ad used
in Lyndon B. Johnsons 1964 campaign against Barry Goldwater and
the Ronald Reagan 1984 Morning in America creation. Limited
but useful for studying communications and postwar American politics trends
in the effective use of the media for selling presidents to the American
By the People, For the People: Posters from the
WPA, 1936-1943, American Memory Library of Congress
This colorful online exhibit showcases more than 900 original Works
Project Administration posters produced from 1936 to 1943 as part of Franklin
D. Roosevelts New Deal program to support the arts. The silkscreen,
lithograph, and woodcut posters were designed to publicize health and
safety programs, art exhibits, theatrical and musical performances, travel
and tourism, educational programs, and community activities in 17 states
and the District of Columbia. Each poster is accompanied by very brief
(15-20 word) descriptions and notes on the artist, date, and place produced.
The Commercial Closet, Commercial Closet Association
Advertised as the worlds largest collection of gay advertising,
this site provides video clips, still photo storyboards, descriptive critiques,
and indexing to more than 600 television and print media ad representations
of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and the transgendered. Users can access
ads by year; brand; company; business category; themes; region; agency;
target group (gays or mainstream); and portrayals (what the imagery/narrative
conveys about gayness) categorized as vague, neutral, positive,
or negative. Although the earliest ad is from 1958, the majority are drawn
from the 1990s. Creator Michael Wilke, a business journalist, notes that
the project is also creating a historic document that charts the
burlesquing of the gay community and the move toward more positive and
inclusive portrayals.
Emergence of Advertising in America: 1850-1920,
Duke University Digital Scriptorium
Contains more than 9,000 advertising items and publications from 1850
to 1920. Selected items illustrate the rise of consumer culture in America
from the mid-nineteenth century and the development of a professional
advertising industry. The images are grouped into 11 categories: advertising
ephemera (trade cards, calendars, almanacs, postcards); broadsides for
placement on walls, fences, and sides of buildings; advertising cookbooks
from food companies and appliance manufacturers; early advertising publications
created by agencies to promote the concepts and methods of the advertising
industry; J. Walter Thompson Company House Ads, promotional
literature from the oldest advertising agency in the U.S.; Kodakiana collection
of some of the earliest Kodak print advertisements; Lever Brothers Lux
(soap) advertisements; outdoor advertising; and tobacco advertisements.
Each image includes production information such as the date issued, advertising
agency, and product company.
Fifty Years of Coca Cola Advertisements, Library
of Congress American Memory
Highlights of Coca-Cola television advertisements, including 50 commercials,
broadcast outtakes, and experimental footage reflecting the historical
development of television advertising for a major commercial product.
There are five examples of stop-motion advertisements from the mid-1950s,
18 experiments with color and lighting for television ads from 1964, and
well-known commercials, such as the Hilltop commercial featuring
the song Id Like to Buy the World a Coke (1971). Also
offers the Mean Joe Greene commercial (1979); the first Polar
Bear commercial (1993); the Snowflake commercial (1999);
and First Experience, an international commercial filmed in
Morocco (1999).
A History Teacher's Bag of Tricks, Area 3 History
and Cultures Project
This memorial to Roland Marchand, a well-known historian of advertising
and popular culture, includes a slide library with more than 3,000 advertisements
drawn from Marchand's collection. Each image includes a citation and many
also offer Marchands notes. The images are organized into 31 subcategories,
from aging to class and status from technique
to women.
Library of American Broadcasting Sound Bites, University
of Maryland Libraries
Part of the Radio Advertising Bureau Collection, this site offers
a sample of 13 audio files of radio commercials from the late 1950s through
the early 1960s. The Bureau, a national trade organization, was formed
in 1950 (as the Broadcast Advertisers Bureau) to promote radio as a medium
for advertisers. The samples are available in .WAV and .AIFF include ads
for toothpaste, cold medicine, soft drinks, gasoline, beer, cigarettes,
cookies, automobiles, dog food, deodorant, and pimple cream.
Phillip Morris Advertising Archive, Philip Morris
More than 55,000 color images of tobacco advertisements, dating back
to 1909, are now available on this site, created as a stipulation of the
Master Settlement Agreement with the tobacco industry. In addition, more
than 26 million pages of documents concerning research, manufacturing,
marketing, advertising and sales of cigarettes, among other topics
are provided in linked sites to the four tobacco companies involved (Philip
Morris, R. J. Reynolds, Lorillard, and Brown and Williamson) and to two
industry organizations (the Tobacco Institute and the Council for Tobacco
Research). Ads and documents are accessible by date, brand name, title
words, and individuals mentioned, among other searchable fields. Images
may be magnified and rotated.
Virginia Runaways Project, University of Virginia
Provides full transcriptions and images of more
than 2,200 newspaper advertisements regarding runaway slaves, mostly from
the Williamsburg Virginia Gazette, between 1736 and 1776. Includes
ads placed by owners and overseers for runaways as well as ads for captured
runaway or suspected runaway slaves placed by sheriffs and other governmental
officials. In addition, the sites creators have included ads for
runaway servants and sailors as well as military deserters, to offer a
unique look at the lower orders in eighteenth-century Virginia.
Searchable by any words appearing in ads.
