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Week Twelve Lecture Outlines

Lecture 19: Racial Thought and Nativism, 1880-1924

I. Changing Attitudes toward Immigrants

A. Labor
B. Business
C. Secret Organizations

II. Institution of Segregation in the South

III. Growth of Intellectual Racism

A. Anglo-Saxonism
B. Fear of Race Suicide
C. New Sciences of Anthropology and Genetics
D. Popularization of Racial Ideas

1. William Z. Ripley, The Races of Europe
2. Madison Grant, The Passing of the Great Race

IV. Federal Initiatives

A. 1917 Literacy Requirement
B. 1921Emergency Restrictions Bill
C. 1924 Johnson-Reid Act (National Origins Act)


Lecture 20: African Americans and the Great Migration

  1. What Was the Great Migration?

  2. Causes of the Great Migration

    1. Push factors in the South
      1. Tightening legal restrictions
      2. Economic distress in agricultural South
      3. Growing industrialization and urbanization in the South

    2. Northern Pull Factors: World War I
      1. Decline of European immigration
      2. Booming economy and demand for labor
      3. Wage differential between regions

  3. Mechanisms of Migration

    1. The black press
    2. Labor agents
    3. Family and friends
    4. Ethnic service organizations

  4. Blacks in the North

    1. The Experience
    2. White Reaction
      1. Labor tensions
      2. Housing tensions
      3. Race riots

  5. Jacob Lawrence and the Migration Series
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