Lecture 9: African Americans and Slavery in the South, 1780-1860
- Contraction and Expansion of Slavery after the Revolution
- Abolition in the North during and after the war
- Expansion of Southern slavery even with the end of the slave trade, 1808
- Changes in Slavery and Circumstances of African Americans in the South, 1790-1860
- Shift of crop mix produced on plantations
- Geographical shift to south and west of center of gravity of slave system
- Changing place of border states in slavery
- African American Life in the Slave South
- Structural issues: Who lives where?
- Different environments
- Large plantations
- Urban slavery
- Free blacks in the south
- White Domination and black resistance
- Frederick Douglass and Slavery
Lecture 10: Early American Nativism
- Definition and Classification
- Alien, Naturalization Acts, 1790s
- 1830-1860 Period
- Issues
- Religion
- Politics
- Economics
- Outbreaks
- Ursuline Convent, 1834
- Philadelphia Riots, 1844
- Know-Nothing Movement, 1850s