Lecture 11: Chinese Immigration and Life in California, 1850-1882
- Part of Worldwide Chinese Diaspora in l9th century
- Overall Totals, Destinations
- Extent of U.S. Portion
- Origins and Motivations of Chinese Immigrants
- Origins -- Guangdong Province
- Immediate Motivations
- agricultural difficulties
- political upheaval
a. Opium Wars
b. internal rebellions
- draw of California gold
- Mechanisms of Migration
- Credit Ticket System
- Chinese Six Companies
- Economic Life in California
- Mining
- Railroads
- Manufacturing in San Francisco
- Agriculture
Lecture 12: Anti-Chinese Laws and Chinese Resistance, 1850-92
- Anti-Chinese Legislation
- State of California
- Early Legal Discrimination
- Economic Discrimination: Anti-coolie Clubs
- Chinese and California Politics
- Legal Discrimination against Women
- Federal level-- Toward Exclusion
- Renegotiation of Burlingame Treaty
- Page Law, 1875
- Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
- Extensions of Act
- Chinese Legal Challenges
A. Chinese Six Companies: Legislative Efforts
B. Court Cases
- Lin Sing v. Washburn (1862)
- Laundry cases: Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886)
- Exclusion Act, Geary Act
- Habeas corpus cases
- Chae Chan Ping v. U.S. (1889)
- Fong Yue Ting v. U.S. (1893)
- Angel Island