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Date:         Fri, 30 Nov 2001 16:51:36 -0500
Reply-To:     American Indians Forum
Sender:       American Indians Forum
From:         Educate 
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

****************  WMM NEW RELEASE   ****************

Women Make Movies is proud to announce the new release of KINAALDA: NAVAJO

The Kinaalda ceremony is an intricate four-day event performed to guide a
young girls' ascent to womanhood.  In this unique documentary, Navajo
filmmaker Lena Carr journeys back to her own childhood by chronicling her
13-year old niece's initiation into womanhood.

** Festival International du Film d'Amiens, Amiens, France
** Santa Fe Film Festival
** American Indian Film Festival
** Museum of the American Indian Film Festival

"...a multi-layered film that elegantly weaves Carr's complex personal
story, family and community history, against the backdrop of the U.S.
government policy toward the Navajo...  A compelling work from beginning to
end."  -- Elaine Charnov, Margaret Mead Film Festival
"...[a] moving documentary...it examines the painful history of the Navajo
tribe and shows how the decisions and deceptions of long ago are having an
effect on the tribe today."  -- Women in the Director's Chair

*****************  PRICING & ORDERING INFO  ***************

A film by Lena Carr
56 minutes/Color, Video/Subtitled
Rental $75
VHS Sale $250
Order # 02762

To order KINAALDA, please visit our website
http://www.wmm.com/catalog/pages/c556.htm, or contact us at:

Women Make Movies
462 Broadway, Suite 500
New York, NY  10013
P/212.925.0606 x360, F/212.925.2052

**********************  ABOUT WMM *****************************
For nearly 30 years, Women Make Movies has been the largest distributor of
films and videotapes by and about women in the world.  We provide a diverse
collection of more than 400 titles to the viewing public and have been
supported in the past by grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the
National Endowment for the Arts. Our catalogue is used by thousands of
educational, community and cultural organizations annually.

This forum is sponsored by History Matters--please visit our Web site at http://historymatters.gmu.edu for more resources for teaching U.S. History.
Date:         Sat, 1 Dec 2001 23:16:54 -0600
Reply-To:     American Indians Forum
Sender:       American Indians Forum
From:         Bruce Mitzit 
Subject:      Re: AMERICANINDIANSFORUM Digest - 2 Jun 2001 to 1 Dec 2001
Comments: cc: Automatic digest processor 
In-Reply-To:  <20011202050416.BIMN1594.mailhost.ind.ameritech.net@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU>
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Seventy-five dollars to rent a movie strikes me as unconscionably
stiff. There are few books at that price and, when I buy one, I get
to keep it. What a shame this very attractive movie will be so
little-seen and hardly known because of the---I was going to say
'prohibitive'---risible expectation of the distributor.

    Bruce Mitzit
      Manager of Information Systems
        The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools
           Office: 773-834-1866  Fax: 773-702-7455

At 12:00 AM -0500 12/2/01, Automatic digest processor wrote:
>There is one message totalling 57 lines in this issue.
>Topics of the day:
>This forum is sponsored by History Matters--please visit our Web
>site at http://historymatters.gmu.edu for more resources for
>teaching U.S. History.
>Date:    Fri, 30 Nov 2001 16:51:36 -0500
>From:    Educate 
>****************  WMM NEW RELEASE   ****************
>Women Make Movies is proud to announce the new release of KINAALDA: NAVAJO
>RITE OF PASSAGE by Lena Carr.
>The Kinaalda ceremony is an intricate four-day event performed to guide a
>young girls' ascent to womanhood.  In this unique documentary, Navajo
>filmmaker Lena Carr journeys back to her own childhood by chronicling her
>13-year old niece's initiation into womanhood.
>** Festival International du Film d'Amiens, Amiens, France
>** Santa Fe Film Festival
>** American Indian Film Festival
>** Museum of the American Indian Film Festival
>"...a multi-layered film that elegantly weaves Carr's complex personal
>story, family and community history, against the backdrop of the U.S.
>government policy toward the Navajo...  A compelling work from beginning to
>end."  -- Elaine Charnov, Margaret Mead Film Festival
>"...[a] moving documentary...it examines the painful history of the Navajo
>tribe and shows how the decisions and deceptions of long ago are having an
>effect on the tribe today."  -- Women in the Director's Chair
>*****************  PRICING & ORDERING INFO  ***************
>A film by Lena Carr
>56 minutes/Color, Video/Subtitled
>Rental $75
>VHS Sale $250
>Order # 02762
>To order KINAALDA, please visit our website
>http://www.wmm.com/catalog/pages/c556.htm, or contact us at:
>Women Make Movies
>462 Broadway, Suite 500
>New York, NY  10013
>P/212.925.0606 x360, F/212.925.2052
>**********************  ABOUT WMM *****************************
>For nearly 30 years, Women Make Movies has been the largest distributor of
>films and videotapes by and about women in the world.  We provide a diverse
>collection of more than 400 titles to the viewing public and have been
>supported in the past by grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the
>National Endowment for the Arts. Our catalogue is used by thousands of
>educational, community and cultural organizations annually.
>End of AMERICANINDIANSFORUM Digest - 2 Jun 2001 to 1 Dec 2001 (#2001-31)

This forum is sponsored by History Matters--please visit our Web site at http://historymatters.gmu.edu for more resources for teaching U.S. History.
Date:         Mon, 3 Dec 2001 11:55:10 EST
Reply-To:     American Indians Forum
Sender:       American Indians Forum
From:         FayeLone@AOL.COM
Subject:      Re: Movie rentals
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any movie, even 15 minute ones, have outrageous rental and purchase prices.  I have a catalogue from Shenandoah Films, which is Native owned. Nothing against the company, here.  It is just that many movies are questionable as far as authenticity.  I have reviewed a few, and someone actually bought some before I came into my current program.  Lots of new-age guys passing along "traditional teachings".  A few halfway decent attempts, but film quality is poor.  Some are just bad, period.  None worth that kind of money given that it is usually only our programs that would be interested in seeing these.  I really liked one with a couple of young boys addressing the mascot issue and racism, but it was only 20 minutes long, a good length for classroom use.  But too shallow for workable discussion and no real suggested impact except that it is hard to address these issues.  I fear that too many of these movies have non-Native producers putting in horrid canned muzak with Native non-actors.  A shame we don't have mor
e Native movie studios.  I understand the need to pass along costs, but who gets the money and does it help Natives?

This forum is sponsored by History Matters--please visit our Web site at http://historymatters.gmu.edu for more resources for teaching U.S. History.
Date:         Mon, 3 Dec 2001 15:47:32 -0800
Reply-To:     American Indians Forum
Sender:       American Indians Forum
From:         Patricia Young 
Subject:      Re: AMERICANINDIANSFORUM Digest - 1 Dec 2001 to 2 Dec 2001
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

WMM is not-for-profit, though I suppose some salaries
could be a bit steep... I do know Bullfrog Films has
to charge a great deal as well, they are a wonderful
small distributor of environmental films.  I usually
can't even get films from the US distributor of the
Canadian Film Board unless I'm an educator (I am not,
formally that is).  I believe it's the small
distributor who subsidises inventory with a higher
price.  Just my guess.
Patricia Young

> Date:    Sat, 1 Dec 2001 23:16:54 -0600
> From:    Bruce Mitzit 
> Subject: Re: AMERICANINDIANSFORUM Digest - 2 Jun
> 2001 to 1 Dec 2001 (#2001-31)
> Seventy-five dollars to rent a movie strikes me as
> unconscionably
> stiff. There are few books at that price and, when I
> buy one, I get
> to keep it. What a shame this very attractive movie
> will be so
> little-seen and hardly known because of the---I was
> going to say
> 'prohibitive'---risible expectation of the
> distributor.
>     Bruce Mitzit
>       Manager of Information Systems
>         The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools
>            Office: 773-834-1866  Fax: 773-702-7455
> At 12:00 AM -0500 12/2/01, Automatic digest
> processor wrote:
> >There is one message totalling 57 lines in this
> issue.
> >
> >Topics of the day:
> >
> >
> >This forum is sponsored by History Matters--please
> visit our Web
> >site at http://historymatters.gmu.edu for more
> resources for
> >teaching U.S. History.
> >
> >
> >Date:    Fri, 30 Nov 2001 16:51:36 -0500
> >From:    Educate 
> >
> >****************  WMM NEW RELEASE
> ****************
> >
> >Women Make Movies is proud to announce the new
> release of KINAALDA: NAVAJO
> >RITE OF PASSAGE by Lena Carr.
> >

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This forum is sponsored by History Matters--please visit our Web site at http://historymatters.gmu.edu for more resources for teaching U.S. History.