========================================================================= Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 16:15:41 +0100 Reply-To: Forum on Immigration & EthnicitySender: Forum on Immigration & Ethnicity From: Wolfgang Bosswick Organization: efms University of Bamberg Subject: Call for Papers MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit CALL FOR PAPERS (please excuse eventual cross-posting) The International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) invites proposals for the 7th International Research and Advisory Panel (IRAP) IASFM home page: http://www.iasfm.org Call for papers: Local Host: University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Conference Site: Eskom Conference Centre, South Africa, from 8-11 January 2001 Conference Theme: THE REFUGEE CONVENTION AT 50 The 50th anniversary of the 1951 Geneva Convention will be celebrated in 2001. The Convention has become the tool of refugee protection. Its position in relation to wider human rights has raised, in the course of its 50 years of use, a wide range of questions and issues, in the areas of healthcare, anthropology, demography, geography, sociology, economics, and international relations, as well as law and politics. The rights related issues raised by the Convention exist both in its use in practice, and from its position at the heart of academic and political debate concerning status provisions, refugee rights and the image of those deemed included or excluded by those applying its terminology. In some areas of the world it is only one of several tools, as other Conventions, Declarations and agreements build on or supplement the Convention directly or indirectly; in other areas its interpretation is the subject of developing collective approaches; in still other states the Convention remains unsigned and unused. Some see its 50 years of existence as the ‘universal' basis to protection as a success, an unprecedented longevity record in this area. Others question its continuing validity as a basis or standard, and argue, for example, that it is only a standard from which states, and the real lives of refugees and displaced persons, deviate in various areas and to various degrees. It is appropriate that in this anniversary year, practitioners and scholars join within their association to discuss the state of play - the record of the past 50 years, the current situation(s) and where the Convention, on paper or in practice, should or could go from here. Three sub-themes are set out as broad categories into which papers and panels at this meeting should fit. Each of these covers questions of the legal and political aspects of the Convention as well as the impact of its application (or the lack of it) in specific situations. These impacts can be related to inter-community or societal relations, development matters linked to all areas of displacement, health issues, the full range of human rights and the effects of each of these. 1. PROPOSALS FOR PANELS Proposals for panels (three paper presentations and one discussant) or individual papers (which will be put into panels created by the organisers) are welcomed on the following three sub-themes: a. The Convention: problems of realisation and patterns of circumvention Where and when does the Convention work and how? How important is status? How important are the range rights the Convention brings in the context of human rights, and how significant are the deficiencies in rights and duties of the protected and the states of origin and refuge, in the areas of employment, education, healthcare and family unity? What are the dangers and benefits of approaches towards ‘safe areas' and temporary protection? What are the security issues linked to the protection of the displaced, non-refoulement/ non-entrée and the smuggling of migrants and protection seekers? How prepared are societies around the world to accept refugees and accord them the status and rights contained in the Convention? b. Regional supplements or additions to the Convention Are they necessary, can they and do they work - in theory and in practice? Do such variations support or challenge the rights of refugees in general and vulnerable persons in particular? Do they, or can they support state adherence to protection and rights norms, or do they give alternative (lesser) standards, or simply another set of norms which state practice can circumvent? What is the nature of inter-state relations on this issue, with regard to ‘solidarity' or ‘distribution'? Is financial ‘solidarity' simply a way of shifting responsibility, challenging other states and violating rights? Do regional solidarity and supplements to the Convention encourage acceptance of refugees, forced migrants and displaced persons in society? c. Integration, cessation, return/repatriation and resettlement How relevant is the application of the Convention to the real life of the displaced? How relevant is it to the host society in which refugees live? How does it impact their access to rights and provisions meeting their basic needs? How relevant is status to life in a camp or centre? Who has power in the refugee's life and decision-making about remaining, returning, repatriating or resettling? What role does the language of status and rights play in those decisions for the individual, the state and the community? Inter-disciplinary panel proposals will be particularly welcome, as will those combining practitioners and academics. Panel proposals should fall under one of the above themes. They should include three abstracts (by three authors) each of max. 150 words. It should also be indicated whether the coordinator of the panel is prepared to act as chair, and details of the discussant should be given. Individual paper proposals should be in the form of a 150 word (max.) abstract, also falling under one of the sub-themes. Those proposing individual papers should indicate whether they are prepared to act as discussant and/or chair for other panels. 2. PROPOSALS FOR BRIEF PRESENTATIONS Proposals are also invited from practitioners and academics at all levels (from [PhD] students to Professor) for the following: BRIEF presentations, a maximum of 10 minutes, of 'ideas in progress': This is intended as an opportunity to present a particularly challenging idea, or the core of some new research. It is an opportunity for discussion of a particular topic, without the need for a full-blown paper. The themes in this section, should, primarily, be in line with the overall theme, but could include other areas of forced migration research. In particular, this could be an arena for the discussion of methodological and theoretical issues, crossing both disciplinary boundaries and the practitioner-academic divide. Proposals for the ‘ideas in progress' should involve a brief statement of the idea or question You may submit proposals for more than one category (panel/individual/idea in progress). If you wish to attend the conference, but not to present a paper, you should only complete and return the Accommodation and Registration form, and not use the proposal form which is available at the IASFM home page ( http://www.iasfm.org ) at Proposals should be submitted on provided form provided at the above URL, via email, fax or post to: Dr Joanne van Selm (Programme Co-ordinator IASFM) University of Amsterdam Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237 1012 DL Amsterdam The Netherlands email: IASFM@pscw.uva.nl fax: +31-20-5252086 (If faxing please indicate clearly, on the cover page, as addressee Dr Joanne van Selm, International Relations) Deadline for proposals is 1 April 2000 Conference Site will be the Eskom Conference Centre, South Africa. The local host, the Graduate School for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand has recently established a new multi-disciplinary programme of teaching and research in the area of forced migration. One of the main objectives is to build a sustainable teaching and research base at post-graduate level. The programme will offer its first Masters degree at the beginning of the year 2000. The vision is to link this programme of academic education, training and research with other research in this new field of study as well as with the government, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations that provide legal and material services to the uprooted. The Eskom Conference Centre is situated between Johannesburg and Pretoria. It is set on a farm, and while the atmosphere is very park-like, both cities are easily accessible. The Centre has a variety of facilities including banking machines, convenience stores and recreational options. -- |-------------------------------------- | Wolfgang Bosswick | european forum for migration studies | University of Bamberg | Katharinenstr. 1 | D-96052 Bamberg, Germany | fon +49-951-932020-13 | fax +49-951-932020-20 or -951-32888 | http://www.uni-bamberg.de/efms |--------------------------------------