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History of American Women - History 219

Clark University, Fall 2001

Professor Amy Richter


Midterm Exam Format and Study Guidelines

Part One: Passage Identifications from Primary Sources in Root of Bitterness

Four of the seven passages given on the attached page will appear on your in-class midterm. All are from primary sources included in Root of Bitterness and have been assigned as required reading during the semester to date. From the four that appear on your in-class exam, you will be required to select three and for each one identify all of the following.

a) The speaker
b) The historical circumstances being described
c) The significance of the passage within the context of the coursešs lectures and readings

Please note: In order to provide a complete answer you must address a, b, and c. While parts a and b are fairly mechanical, part c requires analysis. Part c, therefore, carries the bulk of value in the evaluation of your answer. Your answer to part c should consider the themes reflected in the passage. What interpretations are suggested? In short, how does the specific historical voice in the chosen passage speak to other voices as well as to larger interpretations and arguments you have encountered in class to date? Please note: Your answer will be considered incomplete if you fail to draw connections between the passage and relevant secondary source readings.

Thorough preparation for the midterm includes not only locating these sources in Root of Bitterness, but a review of your lecture notes (including those on discussions) and secondary source readings. Be sure to know and understand the main argument of the secondary readings and be able to connect them to the primary source excerpts. This approach will better serve you in Part Two of the in-class exam.

Part Two: Passage Identifications from Lectures, Films and Secondary Readings

During your in-class exam, you will also be given three additional passages to identify. These passages will not be distributed in advance but should be familiar to you. You have encountered them in your secondary source readings or lectures. They will be either primary sources quoted in secondary essays or mentioned in lecture/discussion.

The passages will not be obscure. If you have done the class reading, attended all lectures, and reviewed for the exam, you should be able to connect the selected excerpts to course themes and readings. You will select one of the three passages and again will be required to identify:

a) The speaker
b) The historical circumstances being described
c) The significance of the passage within the context of the lectures and readings

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